An Interview with Karen Ferrie, Payroll Executive at CPM #IWD

Written by cpmie | 2 August, 2020

Karen Ferrie, Payroll Executive at CPM Ireland, tells us about her career progression, what #EachforEqual means to her and some great tips for women looking to progress their career!


Tell us about your role within CPM, how long you have been working in the company and your career progression within the company.

I started with CPM 7 years ago this month. I was taken on to cover in the Tactical Department for a couple of weeks. When this finished, I was then asked to cover in payroll whilst one of the team went on holidays. A position in Payroll became available which I decided to apply for and was successful. I completed my IPass certified payroll technician course which was funded by CPM. I am still working in Payroll, but I have also had a taste for working within other departments. I started doing 2 days a week in HR. The main areas I looked after was setting up new starters on the system and then arranging for their contracts to be drawn up and sent to them along with other Hr duties. I did this for almost 2 years and really enjoyed the variety of work on a day to day basis. I now work between Payroll and Finance. My duties in Finance are looking after raising invoices to our clients for the work our amazing teams do out on the field. CPM has given me great knowledge in several areas within the business for which I am grateful. I look forward to what my future years have in store for me with CPM.


What does the 2020 International Women’s Day slogan, #EachforEqual mean for you in your work life?

It means we are all equal and have the ability to be who we are and succeed.


What challenges have you faced, as a woman, in becoming successful in your field? How did you overcome them?

To date as a woman, I can happily say I have never had any challenges.


What advice would you give to young women who are trying to build a career in your field?

Be your best at all times and aim to succeed.


How can individuals help forge a gender equal world?

We are all responsible for our own actions. By challenging stereotypes and being open minded.


What woman inspires you?

My grandmother. She lived through World War 2 and had many inspiring stories to share and if you got her at the right moment she would talk for hours about her childhood and the years after. She always had a positive outlook on life and never let anything get her down. She went through a lot in life medically but always bounced back. Unfortunately we lost her 2 years ago... But if there is one thing that reminds me of my gran more than anything it’s a wet spiders web - she always said there is nothing more beautiful and it reminds us to look for beauty in everything.


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