If you are looking to start a new habit, reading good quality blogs should be on the top of your list. Blogs are a great way to stay informed on the latest trends and practices of the industry. There are many options available for Salespeople, so at CPM we have gathered the top 10 blogs:
#1. CPM
We share useful content on a weekly basis that will help you to develop your career in sales and have a better understanding of the latest trends in the industry. Our blog includes a variety of topics ranging from consumer behaviour, latest trends in retail, insightful pieces on sales and merchandising, as well as tips and how-to guides, e-books, infographics and more! Among our preferred blog posts is Irish Retail at a Glance; a weekly post that gather the latest news, trends and insight of the retail landscape! If you would like to subscribe to our blog, click here.
#2. Jill Konrath’s Fresh Sales Strategies
As an author of several well-known sales books, Jill Konrath brings her knowledge of sales to life in this creative and insightful blog. She provides the best tips and tricks to navigate the industry and market while adding her own stories to give it a relatable touch.
John Barrows puts a personal spin on this sales blog with advice based on his own experiences and knowledge as a salesperson and now sales trainer. The Make it Happen Blog will help you to become a better salesperson and leader through captivating stories and principle-driven insight.
#4. The Sales Blog
This blog is the ideal resource for sales leaders who are looking for new ways to inspire and motivate their sales team. The Ambition Blog is full of innovative tips for hiring, driving performance and creating the most effective sales team.
#6. SalesGravy
SalesGravy delves into single concepts or strategies in each blog post, providing an in-depth source of learning for sales reps in particular. The range of topics stretches far and wide, so there is always something that might catch your attention! More specifically, this blog is known for having anything and everything on the topic of Sales Prospecting, based on blog-founder’s extensive knowledge.
#7. Sales Hacker
#8. Heinz Marketing
Heinz Marketing provides daily B2B sales and marketing insights that are fresh and to-the-point. The blog is full of interviews, insight posts and quick tips for everything inbound sales professionals and marketers might need!
#9. SalesFolk
Do you need to spice up your sales communication techniques? Heather Morgan’s refreshing blog will teach you how to create attention-grabbing and personalised content that will set you apart from the rest. With examples of both good and bad approaches to sales, this blog is gives great suggestions of how you can enhance your communication skills.
#10. Smart Calling
Smart Calling is a great tool to boost your prospect
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