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Alberto Almar, CEO of CPM Expertus Spain Field Marketing, is the author of our latest CPM Expert Speak: a most read for those who want to know the benefits of an strategic brand advocacy model.

In this article, Alberto discusses the increasing importance that brands, distributors and retailers are giving to the Brand Advocacy model, as another step in the overall commercial and marketing strategy. He explains how the presence of qualified staff in the sales environment adds value to the brand and guarantee and impeccable brand experience.


From Tactical Field Marketing to a Strategic Brand Advocacy Model

Although there is still a place for tactical promotion, its timing and opportunity is currently being questioned, particularly for products of high turnover and/or seasonality, in favour of a solution, which will consolidate sales and brand positioning.

Besides the arguments regarding the difficulty of measuring the impact and profitability of this kind of initiative for sales support, the quality of ‘performance’ and credibility of the ‘consultant’ is not, by definition usually connected to tactical campaigns, where there is generally greater investment in volume than in quality.

Since the point of sale is still the “first moment of truth,” where the final decision of purchase is largely made, brand construction is given a final touch and consumer loyalty is maintained; the Brand Advocacy model is gaining increasing numbers of supporters amongst brands as well as distributors and retailers. They argue the need to reconvert the investment made at the point of sale as another step in the overall commercial and marketing strategy, where quality reigns (over quantity), with measurable and long-lasting results.

To read the full article, click here

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