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online merchandising

Our latest CPM Expert Speak comes from Joakim Gavelin, Founding Partner of Detail Merchandising Online, brought to the global market by CPM Group of companies.

Joakim has more than 25 years’ experience of sell out and retail management, and a deep understanding in consumer behaviour.

Consumption behaviour

Visual of online merchandising
For the past few years, e-commerce has rapidly grown from a fresh idea into a booming billion-euro business. And today we know that most consumers in-store interact with their smartphones during physical store visits, and check for reviews, competitive offers or just to learn and understand more about the products they aim to buy.

In most cases, this results in the consumer purchasing the chosen product they have already researched online. The exception to these rules lies in instances where the consumer could not locate product information online and therefore venture to alternate product options.

This consumption behaviour is rapidly becoming the new norm, merging online and offline retail, and becoming the new way to shop. This is creating a whole new landscape for brands and businesses looking to promote their goods; where the online environment has become just as important to embrace, monitor and merchandise as the physical stores have always been.

Online merchandising

To support brands with this conundrum, in 2016 we developed a unique solution for online merchandising called Detail.

Based on new learnings, needs and expectations arising along the way for additional functionality; we have now advanced this online merchandising solution to a level and capability never known or seen before in the online merchandising marketplace.
The newly evolved Detail solution is being launched across all CPM markets as of February 2017.

Online intelligence

In short, Detail maximizes online intelligence about products and brands at online retailers and through that increases their ability to sell online, 24/7.

Detail gathers information about products and brand visibility, availability, prices, exposure compliance, consumer ratings, rankings and share of shelf at each retailer. It also gathers relevant information about competitive products and brands as well as retailers.

The newly added functionalities for 2017 enable us to track in multiple countries, currencies and languages. Moreover, all findings and intelligence are now published in real-time in a user-friendly dashboard and a mobile app has been developed for all Detail users.

In this way, Detail makes it possible for brands to easily embrace their whole online retail environment both on an individual basis or globally, incorporating multiple markets, clusters and regions across the world. This is done in real-time, through a single, 360-view portal. This all-inclusive solution enables brands to make effective sales decisions and drive sales opportunities as well as identify and fix any potential issues found.

To make this even easier, Detail’s dashboard can be operated in English, Spanish, French, German or Italian as default languages for all users.

Detail can also send push notifications about critical happenings or online movements related to key products, categories, competitors or retailers for the users who wish to never miss a sales opportunity.

Proactive sales solution

Detail is a proactive sales solution that brands can utilise for both sales and merchandising online. Its primary purpose is to fulfil the ever-changing retail landscape demands and consumer requirements for omnichannel retail experiences; which brands and businesses will face in the future.

And the future is NOW. A future where retail is still detail. Online more than ever.

If you would like to find out more on Detail, please contact: Joakim Gavelin @ Detail Merchandising Online

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